Its now $15 per night for Bangladeshis to visit Bhutan
Online Desk | PNN
৪ জুন, ২০২৪, ১১:০১ পূর্বাহ্ণ

Bhutan has reduced the Sustainable Development Fees (SDF) for Bangladeshis to $15 per person per night for Bangladeshi tourists from $100.
Bhutanese Department of Tourism of Bhutan issued a notification towards this end, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
The $15 SDF is equivalent to that of the Indian tourists who had been enjoying the reduced SDF previously.
Under the new policy, 15,000 Bangladeshi tourists can travel Bhutan with the reduced fees of USD 15 per year.
The visa policy has come into effect from June 2, 2024.